Jonathan and Shelly

Jonathan and Shelly

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Home Study update

Jonathan and I have *FINALLY* submitted all of our paperwork, autobiographies, home sketch, and everything in between. I feel like having a party! We are so glad to have that portion over with. The autobiographies really had us hung up for some reason. I think the home make over really helped take our minds off of it, so we could finish writing them last week.

With all that being said our home study is set to begin next Tuesday 2/7/12. Its a 2 part home study. The first part will take about 4 hours. This is the interview step. Our social worker will ask us some questions together then apart. The second part is the actual home study where she comes to our house. That will most likely be the following week. The actual home study part is nerve wrecking to me for some reason. I have never really looked around my house for things out of place while putting on my shoes in the morning. Or looked at the ceiling to see little dust bunnies that I have never seen before. What is the best scent to have in the house? What scent says "We are ready to be parents?" I am actually laughing as I am writing this, because it looks funny on "paper". In my head it sounds logical for some insane reason. In the end I know our social worker is not a "bad guy". She is here to help us find our baby. She is not looking for that dust at the top of the shower, or the frog statue in the living room that is "out of place", or even those few dust bunnies in the corner. As far as the scent of the house goes, I am sure whatever Scentsy I have burning that day will be fine because it will be normal. Normal for the Hollon household. That will be the true picture of us. Which is what she is looking for. She is there to make sure we have the necessities: running water, proper beds, toilets, and our house is ran in a safe manner.

We are very excited to see what the next few weeks bring us. I will definitely be blogging about the home study. Please keep checking back.

And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me.
Matthew 18:5

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand the nerves . . . but the fact that you two are concerned about which items say you're ready to be parents shows just how wonderful you'll be as a mom and dad. :)

    - Samantha
